ESU Conference 2011 – Seville

The ESU2011 Conference will take place at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Seville. At present, the University of Seville has more than 60 000 students, 4 400 teaching staff and 2350 adminsitrative staff. The international community includes more than 1300 foerign students and other 1450 incoming Erasmus students.

Almost all the activities of the conference will take place at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The address of the conference venue is: Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales. Av. Ramon y Cajal, 1. 41018-Seville (Spain).

Submission deadlines:

Abstract Submission March 31st

Submission for papers: June 19th

Final revised paper: November 30th

If the paper submitted in November is approved, PhD students will be accredited 6 ECTS credits and a Diploma from University of Seville.

Authors and Typists’ Guidelines:


Recommendation for the length of the abstract is around 400 words containing

Principal Topic


Results and Implications

Please add also contact information


The maximum length is 7500 words, including illustrations, figure, tables and references

First page:

Title of Paper


The contact information

Second page:

Abstract: Start the paper with an abstract of approximately 100 words.

Body: The body of the paper should immediately follow the abstract.

Headings: Recommended: only two types of heads:

First-level (major) headings and second-level headings


Should be listed alphabetically after the first-level head REFERENCES at the end of the paper.

·      Other instructions:

Margins 2,5 cm, top, bottom, left and right hand side. Justify the right margin.

Font, 12 point, Times New Roman.

Single space the body of the paper and double space before and after all headings and between paragraphs.

The first line of all paragraphs should be indented five spaces from the left margin.

USE italics to emphasize words or phrases, NOT boldfacing or underlining.

USE “double quotes”, NOT ‘single quotes’.

September 12th–17th, 2011 – Seville