Review of
Information about the magazine
The Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship was founded in 2001. It is the journal of the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It is an independent, bilingual (French/English) digital
peer-reviewed journal. In its almost 20 years of existence, the journal has achieved a high level of quality in the articles it publishes and is recognized within the management science community. It is ranked 2 by the FNEGE (2019) and joined the SCOPUS ranking in 2022.
Its aim is to enable researchers in entrepreneurship, innovation, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to communicate, exchange, and critically appraise their thoughts and research on the state of knowledge on entrepreneurial and innovative practices, focusing on actors, contexts, and support and management systems. It is aimed at researchers, lecturers, and students in management sciences; a wide audience of company directors, association managers, and employees; and entrepreneurs (whatever their status) and players in local authorities and public institutions, curious about the evolution of knowledge.
Articles published in the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship must demonstrate rigor in their conceptual and theoretical framing and in the methodology employed. The results must be realistic and relevant to the world we live in. The journal publishes cutting-edge research on current issues and challenges facing our society, in the field of entrepreneurship, in connection with other disciplines in management and the humanities and social sciences. The Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship aims to publish multi-disciplinary and multi-contextual scientific works on entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial phenomenon, and innovation in SMEs (not exclusively). The Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship accepts both theoretical and empirical articles. It is
open to critical approaches to the literature, as well as to conceptualization and theoretical reflections. It values qualitative as well as quantitative approaches. Articles can be drawn from the various epistemologies that make up the richness of management sciences. The implications and stakes of the
research are particularly specified. The Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship publishes two types of format: the academic article and the research note (short format reviewing an
emerging theme – details of this format are given in the instructions to authors).
The journal’s ethical rules are set out on the website. The submission and evaluation processes are also clearly set out on the website. The governance of the journal is organized around three circles beneath the Direction of the journal, which is the responsibility of the President of the Académie de
l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation (Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors Committee, Scientific Committee, Reviewers Committee).
The Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship, while remaining predominantly French-speaking, does not intended to restrict its publications to French-speaking authors and contexts. As part of this international outlook, contributions from foreign researchers and comparative studies are welcome. The journal’s authors include many colleagues with an international reputation and contributions with a high citation rate. Special issues by internationally renowned guest editors are particularly popular. After validation of the themes and teams of guest editors by the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship Associate Editors’ Committee, these issues are intended to offer a homogeneous editorial project, on topical themes within the academic world and in line with the concerns of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship practitioners. To this end, we encourage all-English special issues led by teams of guest editors of different nationalities and/or associated with international scientific events. Each year, the magazine issues a call for proposals for special issues, the precise criteria of which are defined on the magazine’s website.
The aim is to place the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship among the most active international journals on emerging themes and to increase its influence and distribution via digital tools.
The Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship is owned by the Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation (AEI) since 2001. In its 20 years of existence, the journal has achieved a high level of quality in the articles it publishes and is recognized within the management science community. It is indexed at rank 2 in the FNEGE 2019 ranking and joined the SCOPUS ranking in 2022. The publication is headed by AEI President Jean-François Sattin (Professeur des Universités, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) for the 2023–2026 term. Since June 2020, the Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation has been the publisher of the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship. This means that the copyright to published articles is assigned by the authors to the Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation. This assignment is formally made at the time of publication of the article in the Review. This interweaving ensures coherence and cross-communication between the journal and the research association, with the shared aim of promoting high-quality research in entrepreneurship.
The governance of the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship is divided into several circles. Each mandate is for three years, renewable once.
Organization and governance
1. Editor-in-chief (1stcircle of governance) :
Cyrine Ben Hafaïedh (Full Professor, IESEG School of Management, Paris) and Anaïs Hamelin (Professor, University of Strasbourg). The editors-in-chief represent the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship in dealings with various institutions and partners. They are responsible for managing submissions: desk rejects, assigning submissions to reviewers, monitoring and managing the flow of submissions, arbitrating in the event of disagreement between reviewers, and drafting editorial notices. They manage and organize the publication of issues. They lead the committee of associate editors. In liaison with AEI, they develop the methods of distributing the Review’s articles.
# Editorial secretary: Jean-Loup Soula (Associate Professor, EM Strasbourg Business School, University of Strasbourg)
The editors work closely with an editorial secretary, who is responsible for monitoring the process (from submission to publication) and liaising between the editors, associate editors, authors, and reviewers. The secretary is also in charge of communications for the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship, notably on social networks, and liaises with CAIRN’s Manuscript Manager platform, in coordination with AEI.
2. Editorial Committee – associate editors (2nd circle of governance)
The editors-in-chief bring together a team of colleagues committed to disseminating and promoting the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship. This team participates in defining the magazine’s strategy and policy (notably through the formalization of processes). The associate editors, according to their areas of expertise, are responsible for monitoring evaluations and proposing editorial decisions to the editors-in-chief.
The decisions in which they participate concern the editorial line, international openness, bilingual positioning, choice of special issues, mode of distribution, and actions to increase the impact factor and maintain or even increase the position of the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship in the rankings. For the 2020–2023 term, the associate editors are:
- Béatrice Boulu-Reshef ( professeure à l’Université d’Orléans, France )
- Andrea Calabrò (Professeur, IPAG, France)
- Claire Champenois ( Professeure à Audencia Business School, France )
- Dimo Dimov (Professor, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom)
- Julie Hermans (Professor, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
- Nabil Khelil (Professor, Caen University, France)
- Orestis Terzidis (Professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Erno Tornikoski (Professor, University of Exeter Business School, Exeter, UK)
These governance circles are interwoven, insofar as members involved in the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship may move from one circle to another. Future editors-in-chief may be found in the associate editors’ committee, which is fed by members who contribute to the journal, particularly in terms of evaluation.
3. Scientific Committee (3rd circle of governance) :
The Scientific Committee brings together the leading researchers in the field of entrepreneurship, ensuring that the journal remains firmly rooted in this field. One category of colleagues stands out in this circle: honorary members, who are now emeritus but who have made a major contribution to the development of the journal and the field of entrepreneurship.
Its current composition, which may change in the future, is as follows:
- Laurice Alexandre, Professor, Paris Cité University
- Bruno Amann, Professor, University of Pau
- Mohamed Bayad, Professor, CNAM
- Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique
- Robert Blackburn, Professor, University of Liverpool, UK
- Jean-Pierre Boissin, Professor, Grenoble Alpes University
- Hamid Bouchikhi, Professor, ESSEC business school
- Sonia Boussaguet, Professor, NEOMA Business School
- Sophie Boutillier, Senior Lecturer (HDR), University of Littoral
- Louise Cadieux, Professor, University of Québec – Trois-Rivières, Canada
- Marie-Christine Chalus-Sauvannet, Professor, Lyon 3 University
- Régis Coeurderoy, Professor, ESCP-EUROPE
- Léo-Paul Dana, Professor, Montpellier Business School
- Aude D’Andria, Senior Lecturer -HDR, University of Evry
- Julien De Freyman, Professor, South Champagne Business School
- Alfredo De Massis, Full Professor, University of Bozen Bolzano
- Clay Dibrell, Associate Professor, University of Mississippi State
- Sandrine Emin, Senior Lecturer, University of Angers
- Olivier Germain, Professor, University of Québec – Montréal, Canada
- Gaël Gueguen, Professor, Toulouse Business School
- Valérie Inès de la Ville, Professor, IAE Poitiers
- Philippe Desbrières, Professor, University of Burgundy
- Véronique Favre-Bonte, Professor, Savoie Mont Blanc University
- Benoît Gailly, Professor, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
- Gilles Garel, Professor, CNAM Paris
- William B. Gartner, Professor, Babson College, USA
- Gilles Guieu, Professor, Aix Marseille University
- Frank Hermann, Professor, University of Vienna, Austria
- Kevin Hindle, Professor, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
- Annabelle Jaouen, Associate Professor, Montpellier Business School, France
- Frank Janssen, Professor, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
- Estelle Jouison Lafitte, Senior Lecturer, University of Bordeaux
- Jill Kickul, Professor, USC Marshall School of Business, USA
- Hans Landstrom, Professor, Lund University, Sweden
- Typhaine Lebègue, Senior Lecturer, IAE Tours
- Séverine Leloarne, Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Managemen
- Frédéric Le Roy, Professor, University of Montpellier I
- Pierre Louart, Professor, University of Lille I
- Gerard McElwee, Professor, Huddersfield University, UK
- Ulrike Mayrhofer, Professor, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
- Bachir Mazouz, Professor, ENAP Montreal, Canada
- Karim Messeghem, Professor, University of Montpellier 1
- Caroline Mothe, Professor, Savoie Mont-Blanc University
- Simon Parker, Professor, Ivey Business School at Western University, Canada
- Miruna Radu-Lefebvre, Professor, Audencia Nantes
- Pascal Philippart, Professor, University of Lille
- Kathleen Randerson, Associate Professor, Audencia Nantes, France
- Christophe Schmitt, Professor, University of Lorraine
- Ali Smida, Professor, University Paris 13
- Isabelle Royer, Professor, University of Lyon 3
- Olivier Torrès, Professor, University of Montpellier 1
- Catherine Thévenard-Puthod, Professor, Savoie Mont-Blanc University
- Azzedine Tounès, Professor, INSEEC Lyon
- Dimitri Uzunidis, Professor, University of Littoral
- Thierry Verstraete, Professor, University of Bordeaux
- Peter Wirtz, Professor, University of Lyon 3
- Shaker Zahra, Professor, Carlson School of Minnesota, USA
# Honorary members
- Camille Carrier, Professor, University of Québec – Trois-Rivières, Canada
- Alain Desreumaux, Professor, University of Lille
- Emile-Michel Hernandez, Professor, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne France
- Alain Fayolle, Professor, EM Lyon
- Louis Jacques Filion, Professor, HEC Montréal, Canada
- Yvon Gasse, Professor, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
- Michel Marchesnay, Professor, University of Montpellier
- Bertrand Saporta, Professor Emeritus, Bordeaux IV University
4. Assessors’ Committee (4th circle of governance)
Eventually, this committee will be made up of committed French- and English-speaking reviewers who respect reviewer guidelines. At the end of each year, the latest issue will list the reviewers who have contributed to the journal during the calendar year. In this way, the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of
Entrepreneurship recognizes the commitment and valuable work of colleagues in ensuring the smooth running of the journal.
# Former editorial teams
2020-2023 :
- Céline Barrédy, Professor, Paris Nanterre University, Nanterre, France
- Bérangère Deschamps, Professor, Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble, France
- Hedi Yezza, Assistant Professor, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada
- Didier Chabaud, Professor, IAE de Paris, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University
- Sylvie Sammut, Professor, Institut Montpellier Management, University of Montpellier
- Jean-Michel Degeorge, HDR Senior Lecturer, Mines Saint-Etienne
- Jean-Pierre Boissin, Professor, Pierre Mendès France University, Grenoble
- Alain Fayolle, Professor, EM Lyon, Visiting Professor at Solvay Business School,
University Libre de Bruxelles - Karim Messeghem, Professor, Montpellier 1 University
- Robert Paturel, Professor, University of Toulon and of var
- Alain Fayolle, Professor, EM Lyon, Visiting Professor at Solvay Business School, University Libre de Bruxelles
- Robert Paturel, Professor, University of Toulon and of Var
- Bertrand Saporta, Professor Emeritus, Bordeaux IV University
The aim of the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship is to disseminate original, high-quality research presenting a contribution or contributions in the field of entrepreneurship. This objective requires editors, reviewers, and authors to adhere strictly to a code of conduct that ensures the ethical conduct of articles published in the journal.
Scientific quality of the review : The Editorial Board is responsible for all content published in the journal and constantly strives to improve its scientific quality. It regularly renews its Board of Reviewers and Scientific Committee, as well as its own membership, in the interests of professional rigor. It ensures that the affiliations of the members of the Editorial Board, the International Reading Committee, and the
Scientific Committee are listed on the journal’s website.
Freedom of expression and scientific debate : The editorial board selects articles with a concern for impartiality. It pays particular attention to articles that contribute to scientific debate. Any article presenting a pertinent criticism of an article published in the Review may be proposed for publication. Authors may also submit a response to a criticism of their article in the Review.
Reader relations:The editorial board also undertakes to respond to complaints lodged by readers
against the review.
Author relations: Articles are selected solely on the basis of their intellectual or scientific content,
without distinction as to the race, sex, sexual orientation, religious convictions, nationality, academic affiliation, or political philosophy of the authors. In its decisions, the editorial board takes into account legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, or plagiarism. The procedure for submitting an article to the journal is set out in a regularly updated document on the journal’s website. Any financial charges incurred for the publication of an article must be explicitly mentioned in this document. Authors must ensure the transparency and originality of their research. This implies:
– Authors must ensure that they comply with the journal’s formal standards, as specified in the presentation of the submission and evaluation process.
– That the proposed research has not been previously or simultaneously submitted to another journal, or that significant elements already published are not included in the submission (essential contribution(s), data set used identically, substantial repetition of literature review elements), whether in the form of an academic article or book chapter or presenting a high degree of similarity with these publications.
– That the works cited are appropriate, both in their exact form and in their substance.
– That the author(s) who made a significant contribution to the writing of the submitted article be named. This implies that all authors should be nominated, and that authors who have not contributed should not be nominated. The order in which authors are nominated is decided jointly by all authors.
– That the authors respond diligently to reviewers’ and editors’ comments during the evaluation process. They may be asked to submit their data for verification of any potential falsification or fabrication of data.
– That the authors do not plagiarize other works, in particular by paraphrasing them or borrowing ideas from them without citing them.
– That the authors cite any potential conflicts of interest.
– That the authors declare any funding received for the research submitted.
– That the authors accept that their article—if accepted—may be published on the CAIRN platform and agree to transfer copyright to AEI, the publisher of the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat.
– That the authors do not harm any third parties by their publication.
Relations with evaluators : The reviewers’ assignments are set out in a regularly updated document posted on the Review’s website. The editorial board guarantees the anonymity of reviewers.
Political or commercial interests : Articles are selected on the basis of the academic interest they represent for readers, and not on the commercial or political gain they may bring. The editorial board also ensures the journal’s independence from its publisher and owner(s). If the journal publishes advertisements, these will be clearly distinguished from the scientific content of the journal.
Unethical publishing behavior : The Editorial Board seeks to identify and prevent any behavior contrary to publication ethics. It undertakes to investigate any complaint lodged against the review, in accordance with the procedure described below. The author is liable for the alleged offence. The Editorial Board is always ready to publish corrections, apologies, and explanations, should this prove necessary.
Procedure in the event of unethical publication behavior : Complaints about unethical publication practices may be lodged at any time by anyone with the review’s Editorial Board. The person lodging the complaint must provide the elements justifying his or her complaint. All complaints will be taken seriously by the Editorial Board and processed to conclusion. All complaints will be dealt with regardless of the date of publication of the article concerned. The documents relating to the handling of the complaint will be kept by the editorial board. The following measures may be implemented in the event of a complaint to the journals:
– Interview with the author, in the event of a misunderstanding of the journal’s ethical charter and publication rules
– Letter sent to the offender, detailing the offence and serving as a warning
– Letter sent to the author’s employing organization
– Publication of an editorial informing the readership
– Withdrawal of the article from the review, as well as from the indexing databases, and notification of the readership.
– Embargo on all new articles by this author for a specified period of time
– Referral to an outside organization or body with authority to deal with the complaint.
Ethical rules for reviewers of academic journals
Evaluators’ missions: Reviewers are selected for their intellectual and scientific expertise. They are
responsible for evaluating manuscripts solely on their content, without distinction as to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious convictions, nationality, academic affiliation, or political philosophy. Reviewers’ opinions must be objective. Reviewers are required to report all articles having a similarity with the article submitted to the journal. Reviewers should report any significant publications related to the article that have not yet been cited.
The work of the reviewers is fundamental to ensuring the quality of the articles published by the journal and to helping authors improve their research. At least two specialists are assigned to each submitted article entering the review process. This objective requires reviewers to ensure that they:
– Have the scientific competence to evaluate the article submitted to them.
– Undertake to submit their assessment within the time limit set by the editor, or decline the request for expert appraisal.
– Ensure that there is no conflict of interest and, if necessary, recuse themselves.
– Respect the confidentiality of work submitted to them for appraisal, and in particular do not divulge or use the content of work submitted for appraisal.
– Demonstrate objectivity in their assessment and reflect on any methodological or theoretical biases.
– Demonstrate empathy in their assessment tone and form, as well as content.
Conflict of interest : Members of the editorial board and reviewers must recuse themselves in the event of a conflict of interest with one of the authors or with the content of the manuscript to be reviewed. In addition, any reviewer who knows that he or she is not qualified to review a manuscript, or who knows that he or she will not be able to do so within a reasonable timeframe, is required to notify the Editorial Board and to recuse himself or herself.
Privacy : Manuscripts received for review are treated as confidential documents. No information about a manuscript submitted to the journal can be disclosed to anyone other than the author(s), potential reviewers and, possibly, the publisher. Reviewers agree not to retain or copy a manuscript received for review.
Data usage : The data presented in the submitted articles must not be used in the research work of a member of the editorial board or a reviewer without the express written consent of the author.
Evaluation process : All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated in one of the following ways: The editors ensure that each article submitted to the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship is within the scope of the journal, anonymous, and free of plagiarism. They ensure that the article is evaluated honestly, seriously, and with integrity and anonymity by at least two reviewers. This objective implies:
- That a first reading of the article may lead to its rejection without blind evaluation, if the article does not correspond to the field covered by the Review or presents redhibitory flaws in terms of content. This stage, known as Desk Reject, is carried out by the editors-in-chief (except for special issues–see ad hoc
- Selecting reviewers with skills relevant to the article to be reviewed. This stage is carried out either by the editors-in-chief or by the associate editors. This is a double-blind review: the author does not know the identity of the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know the author’s identity. There are at least two (or
three) reviewers for each article.
- Ensuring that there are no conflicts of interest between the author(s) and the assessor(s) (e.g., in terms of membership of the same institution, previous co-authorship, or hierarchical relationship such as thesis supervision).
- Ensuring that the evaluation deadline complies with the commitments of the Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship, i.e., that reviewers respond within the required time specified on Manuscript Manager (the submission platform).
- Ensuring the anonymity of authors and evaluators.
- Checking that the article submitted is not plagiarized or self-plagiarized. This step is carried out by the editorial secretary, prior to the evaluation process.
- Provide a clear, well-argued justification for the editorial decision taken on the article submitted. This is done by the editors-in-chief. At the editorial stage, the submitted article is: A Desk, Reject without further processing, Reject without continuing the process, with an invitation to submit at a later date as a new article (Reject and Resubmit).
Or a transfer of responsibility for the article to an associate editor, who initiates the evaluation process. Once the manuscript has been accepted by an associate editor, he or she takes charge of synthesizing the points of view expressed by the reviewers and, on this basis, makes an editorial decision. In all cases, the editors-in-chief write a letter to the authors, serving as an editorial opinion in the event of several rounds of review, or as an editorial decision marking the end of the evaluation process.
In the event of doubt or differences of opinion between reviewers, the Editorial Board may request additional opinions. Articles that run counter to the Review’s editorial line may also be rejected by the editorial board, without an evaluation report. At the end of the evaluation process, the associate editor forwards the final decision to the editors-in-chief, who write to the authors explaining the decision taken in a sympathetic manner. The process is as follows: Rejection of submission after evaluation process, Acceptance of article, Minor changes requested for possible publication, Major changes requested with a view to eventual publication, whose implementation andassessment by the evaluators condition the continuation of the evaluation process.
In the latter case, the editorial board will take a final decision, positive or negative, depending on whether the author has taken into account the suggestions and comments made by the evaluators. All texts accepted on first submission, or after modification by the author, are the subject of editorial work carried out in consultation with the author. In all cases, the editorial board takes into account legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, or plagiarism in its decisions.
Ethical rules for academic authors
Originality and plagiarism : Authors must guarantee the originality of their article and must not publish any text which, in any for whatsoever, could be construed as counterfeiting as defined by the French Intellectual Property Code. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are contrary to the ethics of scientific publication and are therefore unacceptable.
Multiple, redundant, or simultaneous publications :Authors agree not to submit an article that has been previously published in another journal, or a new article based exclusively on work already published elsewhere. Similarly, authors undertake not to submit their article to several journals at the same time.
Credits : The list of authors should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, realization, or interpretation of the study presented in the text submitted for review, or to the drafting of this text. All authors must be listed, with their affiliation, in alphabetical order or according to their degree of involvement in the realization of this study or in the writing of this text. The author in contact with the journal must ensure that only appropriate co-authors are included in the list of authors and that all co-authors, having seen and approved the final version of their text, agreed to
submit this article for publication.
Defamatory statements : Authors undertake not to go beyond the rules of scientific debate in the articles they submit and not to make defamatory statements that could be construed as an attack on the reputation of a third party.
Conflict of interest: Authors must declare any potential professional or financial conflicts of interest. All
sources of non-public funding for the research presented in the submission must be explicitly mentioned.
Erratum : Any author who discovers, after publication, a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her own work must inform the journal’s editorial board without delay and must cooperate with the board to publish an erratum, or even to withdraw the article.
Data access : At the request of the editorial board, authors may be asked to provide raw data relating to their reserach. If the article on clinical cases involving real-life situations, the author undertakes to respect the anonymity of the perons referred to, or to obtain their expicit agreement.