Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training? – Lille – May 13, 14 & 25 2020

Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training?

Issues, questions, transformations

Lille – Hauts de France, France

May 13, 14, 15, 2020.

Convocatoria de contribuciones coloquio EEE Lille 2020

Call for papers EEE 2020

Appel à contribution colloque EEE 2020


Developing Entrepreneurship with education, training and different forms of support currently answers social, ethical, economic, political and educational issues. The education and training fields are directly concerned due to the growing role occupied by Entrepreneurship in our contemporary societies.

However, as Pepin and Champy-Remoussenard point out (2017, 7), the evolution of educational policies and practices associated to entrepreneurship “still remains largely understudied, unknown or misunderstood, mostly in French scientific works on educational issues“. That is why, it is time to gather researchers from different countries to give them the opportunity to discuss and participate in the creation of a specific research field in that domain.

Making understandable, from a scientific viewpoint, the evolution of educational and training practices that aim at developing Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit requires multiple perspectives, given that the object crosses several disciplinary viewpoints (Economy, Management, Education Sciences and Training, Political Sciences, Sociology, History, Philosophy, etc.). Furthermore, this enlightenment deserves to be fed and enriched by the meeting and the dialogue between entrepreneurial researchers and professionals.

The colloquium: Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training? Issues, questions, transformations aims to spark, on the one hand, an interdisciplinary discussion between researchers interested in educational entrepreneurship and, on the other hand, a discussion with the professional fields involved in entrepreneurship education (EE), the support and training intended for entrepreneurship’s project leaders. The ambition, on this basis, is double: to set up a dialogue between the actors of this strongly emerging and evolving field; to cross the views, answers and questions that the researchers may bring in a view to lay the foundation for a scientific project to continue.

Currently, the political recommendations, the development of practices, the sociopolitical interest for the role of education and training in developing entrepreneurship bring us to question entrepreneurship education. School entrepreneurship? Educational entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurial education? Entrepreneurship education? Entrepreneurship training? Entrepreneurial culture awareness? The miscellaneous denominations reflect a field of various, emerging and professionalizing educational practices.

The educational practices that intend to develop entrepreneurship aim at many objectives on, at least, two levels:

– some large objectives aiming at promoting the sense of initiative, entrepreneurship, creativity, autonomy, critical thinking, capacities belonging to a same base of knowledge and skills identified as useful for every citizen and that would have a lifelong development thanks to educational and training systems.

– some objectives specific to the development of entrepreneurship, to business culture, to the knowledge required to invest entrepreneurship activities, to create and keep a company active.

In a world dominated by permanent and fast change, the link between education and entrepreneurial spirit appears as a major issue. This is why the expectations and social stakes are strong (Fayolle 2011). Entrepreneurship is a subject increasingly treated by the media and enters into social emergencies and regional, national, international and supranational policy agenda. It is also a part of the European Key Competence (Champy-Remoussenard, 2012, 2018). The impact of the educational efforts made in that field is closely connected to the innovation and adaptation to societal change, vocational guidance and occupational integration, the evolution of types of employment, the pursuit of competitiveness…

There is no doubt that political powers agree at a local, national and international level to say that promoting a culture, which can encourage entrepreneurial initiatives among the population, is mainly the role of educational systems. We can talk about a virtual consensus1.

11 According to the European Eurydice Report (2016), most of the countries in the European network (composed of 33 states) have shared and accepted, in 2014/2015, a European definition of entrepreneurship training. It is based on the 2006 European parliament recommendation on the “sense of initiative and entrepreneurship”

The assumption that the development of practices, policies and measures is a point of education is, nonetheless, questionable from a scientific viewpoint. The mindset and the skills, which may make entrepreneurial initiatives possible, can be entirely or only learnt in the formal system of training. They should be part of a socialization process, of a more complex educational process that needs to be better understood. Moreover, the means do not always follow the policy incentives. Finally, the effects of these educational efforts are not necessarily always known.

Therefore, the scientific view can and must bring a critical and overhanging assessment about policies and activities that have a potential of social change that might be strong.

Organization of the colloquium

This colloquium is initiated by the Inter-University Center for Research in Education of Lille (CIREL), a French research team that has developed research on policies, practices, actors and systems aiming at developing the entrepreneurial spirit. The CIREL (65 titular members, 70 PhD students) is an expert in that field, and conducts research more largely related to the training/employment relationship, the school/company relationship, professional insertion and vocational training.

The colloquium is going to take place in Lille in the Hauts-de-France region, which is the first French area that has been certified as an ‘Enterprising European Region’ in 2013. Close to Paris, Brussels and London, Lille is the main city of the Eurometropole ‘Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai’. The University of Lille is one of the major French universities (70,000 students, a staff of 7,000 people, 70 research laboratories…).

During the colloquium, there will be a specific moment for discussion between the professional communities concerned by the development of Entrepreneurship Education and the researchers interested by it. It will aim at allowing both spheres to express themselves and to discuss the questions that can unify them. Concerning delicate aspects, issues, perspectives and systems that can require a scientific approach, the researchers will try to express their expectations, to identify what can be undertaken in terms of doctoral and postdoctoral research, multidisciplinary research, collaborative practice involving researchers and practitioners.

Professionals who wish to take part in the discussion researchers/professionals during a round table or other forms of exchanges are invited to contact Patricia Champy-Remoussenard (patricia.remoussenard@univ-lille.fr).


Thematic focuses

To encourage an interdisciplinary debate on the issue of the current entrepreneurship development by education and training, several themes are being identified in the call for papers.

Five themes will contribute to guide the discussions and the reflections during the colloquium.

The colloquium is opened to any other perspective of analysis in that it enters into a questioning on the educational means intended for stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial initiatives. In that cases, formulate clearly in a line the themes you propose.

  1. Origin and development of educational entrepreneurship
  • A history of entrepreneurial practices and of educational entrepreneurship.
  • Evolution and stakes of public policies about educational entrepreneurship.
  1. Epistemology of research on educational entrepreneurship
  • The origin and evolutions of the concepts and representations associated with the entrepreneur, the company and educational entrepreneurship (autonomy, creativity, initiative, action, project, risk, etc.).
  • The access modes and the analysis of the activity or of the entrepreneurial actions? Can we understand the specificity?
  • The history and epistemology of research on educational entrepreneurship.
  • The methods used in research: assessment, perspective, prospective.
  1. Educational entrepreneurship and working life
  • The current transformations of the forms of activity and employment in our society. The increasing power of self-employment in its various manifestations. The emergence of an entrepreneurial society? The impacts on work/training relationships and on the educational system? The company: an educational actor?
  • The actual work of an entrepreneur: Success stories and failures. The forms of companies created and the values carried.
  • The relation to entrepreneurship in the life course: the link between risk taking and personal/professional development in the entrepreneur’s career.
  • The link between the entrepreneurial activity and the entrepreneurial form of activity?
  • The gender issue in entrepreneurial education, in entrepreneurs’ career. Do the systems for entrepreneurial education allow to take into account the question linked to the notion of “the internalization of gender-related professional roles” (Gianettoni, Simon-Vermot & Gauthier, 2010).
  • The links between educational entrepreneurship and vocational guidance. The role of the systems for entrepreneurial education in learner’s vocational guidance.
  1. Entrepreneurship: training and education issues.
  • Can we learn entrepreneurship?
  • The forms of pedagogy linked to entrepreneurship education (active learning, project-based learning, experiential learning, the new educational methods, the social pedagogy) in the speeches and/or in the practice and in the transformations they generate in educational circles.
  • Awareness raising, training, support? What forms does the support to entrepreneurial initiatives for young people and adults (practice, actors, competences, stakes, market) take?
  • The entrepreneurship education’s actors. This field often gathers actors from various backgrounds. The role of teachers in the actions taken. The role of the other actors. Which work division and/or what kind of collaborative work is initiated? What kind of partnerships does the meeting between the different actors generate? The professionalization process of the actors from this scope of practice and the required competences.
  • The systems promoting entrepreneurship in the educational field provide some effects. How do we assess them?
  • What are the subjects of instruction and training associated to entrepreneurship education? Are they specific or not to some curricula, systems, trainings? Are they transversal: the place of transversal skills, key competences in relation to the common bases?
  • Entrepreneurship education is an “education to” that is part of the ‘academic form’ and curricula. To what extent does entrepreneurship education fit in training and education courses or in systems of support?
  • The difficulties and opportunities in developing the entrepreneurial mindset.
  1. At the heart of business creation, creativity in the workplace and innovation?
  • To what extent the entrepreneurial creativity questions other forms of creativity?
  • Entrepreneurship in a future world: what opportunities for social evolutions in and by entrepreneurship, what innovations, what links with the major climatic, environmental challenges, etc.?
  • Do the entrepreneurial education systems allow to develop the learners’ creativity and innovation capacities?
  • What are the values carried by entrepreneurship education? What about training systems? And in the field, once entrepreneurship education has been realized?
  • What are the factors of business creation and of creativity at work (self-efficacy and/or entrepreneurial self-efficacy, self-esteem, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial behavior, etc.)?


Colloquium’s scientific officer

Professor Patricia Champy-Remoussenard, CIREL, University of Lille. Professor of Science Education, Project Manager in Entrepreneurship at the University of Lille, in charge of the ‘AERTEF’ master’s degree (second year) Science Education Department.

Organizing committee

Ait M’bark Mohamed, Ph.D. student, University of Lille

Baeza Carole, University Lecturer, University of Lille

Bailleul Michaël, University Lecturer, ESPE Lille-Nord-de-France

Boussadi Sabrina, Hubhouse Project Manager, University of Lille

Casanova Rémi, University Lecturer, University of Lille

Champy-Remoussenard Patricia, University Professor, University of Lille

De Miribel Julien, University Lecturer, University of Lille

Deville Julie, University Lecturer, University of Lille

Lepers Eléonore, Ph.D. student, University of Lille

Pagoni Maria, University Professor, University of Lille

Starck Sylvain, University Lecturer, University of Lorraine

Scientifc committee

Baujard Corinne, Professor of Science Education, University of Lille.

Bedin Véronique, University Lecturer in Science Education, University of Toulouse.

Broussal Dominique, University Lecturer HDR (the French Habilitation is a general requirement for supervising PhD students) in Science Education, UMR EFTS, University of Toulouse.

Danvers Francis, Professor emeritus of Science Education, University of Lille.

Dokou Gérard, Lecturer in Business Administration, EMR UFTS, University of Littoral.

Eneau Jérôme, Professor of Science Education, Rennes 2 University.

Fayolle Alain, Professor of Business Administration, EM Lyon Business School.

Frétigné Cédric, Professor of Science Education, co-chairman of the AECSE.

Giret Jean François, Professor of Science Education, University of Burgundy, Head of the IREDU and of the Training/Employment French review.

Guerrero Maribel, Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, United Kingdom.

Jacques Marie Hélène, University Lecturer HDR (the French Habilitation is a general requirement for supervising PhD students) in Science Education, Researcher in the GRESCOESPE of Niort.

Léger-Jarniou Catherine, University Professor emeritus, University of Paris Dauphine, Chairwoman of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Academy.

Léné Alexandre, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Lille – CLERSE – IMT Lille Douai.

Martinic Sergio, Professor of Anthropology, Academic Director of Aysen University, Patagonia, Chile.

Pagoni Maria, Professor of Science Education, University of Lille.

Pepin Mathias, Assistant Professor, Laval’s Faculty of Business Administration, Quebec.

Pittaway Luke, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Ohio University, United States.

Quenson Emmanuel, Professor of Sociology, Evry Val d’Essone University.

Sanchez Garcia José Carlos, Professor of Psychology, Chair of Entrepreneurship, University of Salamanca, Spain.

Schmitt Christophe, University Professor of Management, Deputy chairman of the University of Lorraine. Chair of Entrepreneurship Department. University of Lorraine,

St Jean Etienne, Full Professor, Research Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, University of Quebec, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada.

Starck Sylvain, University Lecturer in Science Education, University of Lorraine.

Thievenaz Joris, Professor of Science Education, Paris-Est Créteil University.

Villette Michel, Professor of Sociology, AGROPARISTECH, Researcher in the Center Maurice Halbwachs ENS/EHESS/CNRS.

Zaïd Abdelkarim, Professor of Science Education, ESPE Nord-de-France, CIREL, Lille.

Call for papers

Every researcher or PhD student willing to propose a paper on the occasion of this scientific event has to comply with the three following conditions: posters, oral communications, symposiums. This colloquium aims at promoting an international dialogue. The organization provides for the possibility to communicate in three working languages (French, English, Spanish).

The interested persons are invited to send their proposal according to the below requirements:

  • The posters will be integrated to the colloquium’s programme and exposed for a preset time. They will give a selected aspect of the research presented (improvements or results of a research, the preferred research methodology, etc.). The title, keywords and a 200-300-word abstract about all or parts of the research concerned are expected for June 12, 2019. The poster will be sent in an electronic format according to a presentation scheme that is going to be specified for January 30, 2020.

The oral communications. They last 20 minutes and will be subjected to a presentation during workshops structured around five themes previously mentioned. One or several authors (four at the most) can propose submissions. Every proposal will be composed of a title and a maximum 400-500-word abstract. Every abstract has to specify the goals of the presented research, the preferred methodology, the results and the analysis and discussion items. The proposals shall be sent on June 12, 2019, at the latest. The acceptance of the call will result in the transmission of an up to 50000-sign text for January 30, 2020. The contribution to the colloquium depends on the transmission of this final text.

The symposiums. The person who will submit the proposal of a symposium will be in charge of its coordination and its moderation during the colloquium. Each symposium will last 90 minutes and will be composed of four to five interventions. In each submission, there will be a title and an abstract (max. 500 words) of the symposium’s theme to which the presentations’ headings will be associated together with the names of the contributors. The proposals for the symposium shall be sent on June 12, 2019, at the latest. The acceptance of the symposium will result in the transmission of up to 50000-sign texts for January 30, 2020. The symposium will be held provided the final texts written by the contributors are passed on to the person in charge of the symposium.


Important dates
Abstracts to be sent for oral communications and symposiumsJune 12, 2019
Proposals acceptanceSeptember 2019
Full text to be sentJanuary 30, 2020
Opening of registrationsSeptember 2019
Deadline for registrationsMay 1, 2020
ColloquiumMay 13-15, 2020


The proposals shall be submitted on the website https://entrepreneurship-education2020.univ-lille.fr/ since May 15, 2019.