Call for papers – Special Issue of the Journal of Business Venturing Insights
Large-scale Replication Initiative in Entrepreneurship (deadline for proposals is September 1, 2018)
Guest Editors
Arjen van Witteloostuijn (VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and University of Antwerp / Antwerp Management School, Belgium)
Marcus Dejardin (University of Namur and Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Jeffrey M. Pollack (North Carolina State University, USA)
The lack of replication, or the replicability crisis, is a challenge across a growing number of disciplines (e.g., Aguinis, Cascio, & Ramani, 2017; Świątkowski & Dompnier, 2017). For some, this is even a reason to refer to a “credibility crisis” in science in general (Gall, Ioannidis, & Maniadis, 2017).
With this call for papers, the Journal of Business Venturing Insights explicitly solicits replication studies. Put simply, with the current initiative, our aim is to launch an ambitious replication movement in entrepreneurship. Our goal is to initiate a large-scale movement within the entrepreneurship community involving (a) replicating multiple studies, in (b) different countries across the world, by (c) a large number of teams.
We invite all colleagues to submit by email to us (the guest editors), before September 1, 2018, proposals regarding which entrepreneurship studies to replicate. Each proposal will (a) suggest a specific study (or set of studies) for replication, (b) specify the type of replication to be conducted, and (c) provide a replication plan (including issues such as minimum power, required budget, as well as decision rules about data collection and relevant methodological protocols).
A Virtual Special Issue
This initiative will operate as a virtual special issue (VSI). This means that submitted papers will be handled as part of the normal submission flow of the journal, but will be designated as belonging to the special issue. Accepted articles will be published in the first available regular issue and will simultaneously appear in a special section dedicated to VSIs. In this way, the content of the special issue can be called up at any time and it will be continuously expanding. The implication of this VSI format is that it operates on an open deadline, making the publication process dynamic and timely.
For more information, see:
For questions, please email the guest editors:
Arjen van Witteloostuijn,
Marcus Dejardin,
Jeffrey M. Pollack,