ISCB Paris Conference – The Future of Entrepreneurship: Policy and Practice – Paris – France – April 8-9, 2019
Entrepreneurship is the ability to combine creativity and innovation as it relates to the economy. A strong and sustainable economy should seek to bring out the talents of individuals and institutions in society. The challenge, however, is how do policymakers work within their respective government systems to put in place practical measures that will be embraced and understood by the people, especially those individuals and groups who may feel stuck on the margins of their society.
To continue this dialog and progress made, ICSB recognizes that Entrepreneurship is not a one-size fit all policy or viewpoint.
ICSB supports the work that the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which promotes “policies that improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.” This is done through ICSB’s association as a member of the Working Party for Small and Medium Enterprises (WPSME).
ICSB in collaboration with OECD and ICSB Global Gateway Partners, IPAG and ESSCA, will be holding a high-level meeting on April 8 and 9, 2019 in Paris, France. This two-day conference in Paris will bring together global experts for this timely discussion on what is the future of entrepreneurship and what should be research has shown to advocate for effective policy.
Policy, research, and practice are on the table for discussion with the goal of building a common narrative to help entrepreneurs and small business owners in Europe that face unique challenges. The format for this meeting will allow for a dynamic debate with those presenting and those who plan on attending the sessions. ICSB, IPAG, and ESSCA are pleased that the OECD April meeting will take place following this conference. We expect that many of the OECD delegates will also join us as invited guests and some as participants in the discussions.
Topics on entrepreneurship policy and the role of the state will address government attempts to shape the climate for small business starts and their growth. Access to capital financing, which is a cornerstone of every small business, will be a focus of discussion. Representatives from financial institutions will share their views and processes that entrepreneurs should consider when seeking access to capital.
ICSB brings the perspective of working with partners at the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, The United Nations, The United States Small Business Administration, and the European Union. The convening of this major conference in Europe will enable ICSB to partner with IPAG’s Business School and ESSCA School of Management.

Policy, research, and practice are on the table for discussion with the goal of building a common narrative to help entrepreneurs and small business owners in Europe that face unique challenges. The format for this meeting will allow for a dynamic debate with those presenting and those who plan on attending the sessions.
What are the lessons that can be learned from this? Where should Policymakers focus their attention to create a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem? What collaborations to give hope to those in the margins of society? These are many other topics are welcomed for discussion.
Following this point of view, we invite authors to submit abstracts reflecting the multiple aspects, actors, levels, and complexity on what can be done to get a more accurate view of entrepreneurship. What should be the Future of Entrepreneurship: Policy and Practice?
We invite researchers to submit an abstract for discussion (except for entrepreneurs who should provide a letter stating why they would like to attend). The first page of an academic submission must contain the title, author(s) and contact information of the corresponding author. The organizers expect extended abstracts of no more than 3-pages 1, 5-space, maximum 1500-words. All submissions must be written in English. An abstract should inform explicitly about the following five issues: Research objective/question; Conceptual development; Methodology; Results (if not a conceptual paper); and Contribution. Please exclude tables, figures and references.
Submission of extended abstract (main workshop): February 15, 2019
Acceptance Notification: February 22, 2019
Conference: April 8th, 2019 – IPAG Business School– Day 1
Conference: April 9th, 2019 – OECD – Day 2
Professor Inés Gabarret, ESSCA School of Management, France
Professor Ayman El Tarabishy, ICSB Executive Director
Professor George Solomon, Editor of the ICSB Journal from Small Business Management
Mme Lucia Cusmano, OECD, Acting Head of Division, SME and Entrepreneurship
Professor Andrea Calabro, IPAG Business School, France
Professor Julia Vincent, IPAG Business School, France
Please feel free to contact Professor Adnane Maalaoui, and Professor Inés Gabarret , if you have any queries about the workshop.
DePillis, Lydia, “The are fewer gig jobs than you think. Economists walk back study that showed huge increase”, CNN Business, January 10, 2019.
Sherman, Erik, “The Gig Economy Never Really Happened, Say the Economists Who Predicted it”,, January 7, 2019