The Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Lodz is happy to invite you to the ESU 2018 Conference and Doctoral Programme. We are looking forward to meeting you all from the 9th to the 15th of September 2018 in Łódź (Lodz), Poland.
During the week we will focus our attention on some core issues in entrepreneurship research, such as formulating interesting research questions, methodologies, the writing process, and publishing in academic journals. There will also be plenty of time for networking and social interaction.
The programme contains plenary sessions as well as group sessions. In order to make the doctoral programme as fruitful as possible, we divide participating PhD students into 3 groups:
- Early stage group – students that haven’t started their PhD studies and PhD students in their first year of doctoral studies. Students in this group present their research proposal.
- Work in progress group – PhD students that are in the middle of their PhD studies. Students in this group present their early phase research.
- Mature group – PhD students that are in their end of the PhD process or PhDs that have finalized their thesis. Students in this group present their results papers.
The ESU PhD programme gives 6.0 ECTS.
Conference presentations are open to all attendants. The presentations will take place on Conference Day –
Wednesday, 12th September 2018. Students from all groups, as well as conference participants, are requested to submit abstracts of their work.
Conference Venue
The Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz
90-255 Lodz, 3/5 POW Street
Important dates
ESU Conference and Doctoral Programme: 9th-15th September 2018
- Deadline for the abstract submission: 2nd April 2018
- Deadline for the full paper submission: 29th of June
- Early registration & reception: 9th September 2018
- Social Event: Saturday 15th September 2018
Abstract submissions
For both Doctoral Programme and Conference: max. 500 words abstracts, single spaced, Times New Roman 12pt, capitalized first letters in title, no more than ten words in title, no reference list. Since all abstracts are reviewed using a double blind review process, it is compulsory that neither your name nor your contact details appear on the submission. Please, indicate in your e-mail: author(s) name(s), main affiliation(s), email address(es) of all authors in the order of appearance on your paper. The abstracts will appear in an abstract booklet. Please send your abstract by email to:
Registration fees
Early registration: 400€
Early registration doctoral student rate: 350€
Late registration (after July 16th, 2018): 425€ for doctoral students and 475€ for other participants
Guest rate: 150€ (including Monday, Tuesday and Friday dinners and Gala Dinner on Thursday)
Saturday field trip: 50€
Cancellation policy: to receive a refund of your registration, the registered attendee must request a cancellation in writing and postmark by email to ESU by Tuesday, July 31st 2018. No refunds will be issued after July 31st, 2018.
More information
Please contact: or visit our websites: or