Call for abstracts: The 1st International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Family Business – Tunis from April 16th to April 18th, 2020
You are invited to submit your papers to the International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Family Business (ICEIFB) –
This international event will take place on April 16-18, 2020 at the Carthage Business School of the University Tunis Carthage, Tunisia. The conference aims to provide academics, policymakers and practitioners with a valuable forum for discussion and critical analysis of the major issues and challenges related to all areas of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Family Business in Africa and MENA Region countries. The ICEIFB is organized by the University Tunis Carthage in collaboration with the University of Quebec at Montreal, the University of Ottawa, the University of Turin, and Paris School of Business.
Submission Deadlines:
• February 16, 2020: Submission deadline (extended abstract and full papers)
• March 07, 2020: Notification of acceptance/rejection
• March 20, 2020: Registration deadline
• April 16-18, 2020: Event