Call For Paper: A special issue on entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial learning
ISBE 2017 in association with Industry and Higher Education
A special issue on entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial learning Guest Editors: Laura Galloway, David Higgins and Pauric McGowan
The international journal Industry and Higher Education, in association with the ISBE, will be publishing a special issue in 2018. Submissions are invited. The invitation is open to all ISBE 2017 participants, but other submissions will also be welcome.
Reflecting both the journal’s position at the interface between scholarship and practice and the conference’s concern with effective entrepreneurship education and development, the special issue will be concerned with the application and effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. The ISBE Conference Tracks ‘Enterprise education’ and ‘Entrepreneurial practitioner learning’ will therefore be especially relevant.
Papers should focus on the relationship between business/industry and universities (as, for example, in the evaluation of entrepreneurship education programmes, the practical application of entrepreneurship theory, or enterprise development through education). They should be between 4,000 and 8,000 words long and based on original research. An abstract of 150-200 words and 3 to 6 keywords should be included.
For further information about Industry and Higher Education, please click here.
Submitting your paper: In the first instance, please submit your paper by email to lg1 @ (Laura Galloway); dhiggins @ (David Higgins); and p.mcgowan @ (Pauric McGowan). In the subject box of your email, please state: ‘Submission to IHE special issue’.
Submission deadline: Please submit your paper no later than 8 December 2017