20-21 September Bergamo Italy
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the annual global Elab conference in Bergamo. Entrepreneurship Today is a conference for academics and practitioners to hear, learn and exchange ideas and perspectives on the latest trends and innovations from leaders in the field of entrepreneurship. The conference organizers have arranged a two-day conference packed with activities for professional development and plenty of time for networking. We invite you to submit a paper but you are also welcome to register as a participant. We are certain this year’s conference will be an enriching experience for all of us offering many of opportunities. The conference program is being finalized, we will have a Keynote Speech by Professor Shaker Zahra. We have invited several experts that have confirmed their presence over this two-day conference: Professor Morten Huse from- BI Norwegian School of Management (Oslo, Norwey) & Tor Vergata, University (Roma, Italy), Professor Alain Fayolle- from EM Lyon Business School and Professor Sabine Klein from WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management.
- 20 July, 2010 Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
- 16 August, 2010 Decision on Acceptance (peer blind reviewed)
- 20-21st September, 2010 Conference held – Full paper (first version) has to be sent before the conference by scholars that are interested in participating into the selection for the IJESB special issue
- 25 September, 2010 Double blind review process starts
- 5th November, 2010 Reviews returned, notification to accepted authors for special issue