Multidisciplinary Perspective into Entrepreneurship: research in or at the cross borders of Finance, Psychology and Entrepreneurship
May 7–8, 2018 – Ghent University, Belgium
Call for Papers – Research Workshop
The Centre for Entrepreneurship Research in collaboration with the Consortium for Business Model Innovation and All Inclusive Growth at Ghent University is pleased to announce this call for papers for the research workshop: “A Multidisciplinary Perspective into Entrepreneurship: Research in or at the Cross Borders of Finance, Psychology and Entrepreneurship”.
This workshop aims at bringing together junior and senior researchers in Entrepreneurship to present and discuss current research in a cordial environment. We welcome submissions that significantly advance the theoretical and empirical understanding of entrepreneurship and related fields. In particular, we are looking for contributions in the following four themes, or at the cross borders of these themes:
Technology Transfer and Academic Entrepreneurship
Academic entrepreneurship has changed dramatically in recent years. Particularly, new technology transfer activities have emerged, new modes of facilitating academic entrepreneurship were developed and a broader range of stakeholders is currently involved. Relevant research endeavors may, amongst others, be oriented toward understanding the role, contribution and boundary conditions of technology transfer initiatives such as accelerator programs and entrepreneurship garages. Further, the importance and implications of the university ecosystem and the interplay between its different actors, just as the economic and societal impact of academic entrepreneurship are relevant research areas.
Psychological and Cognitive Foundations of Entrepreneurship
Within the entrepreneurship research field, cognitive and psychological perspectives have increasingly been applied to explore entrepreneurial intentions and behaviors at different stages of the entrepreneurial process. Emotion, cognition and motivation have proven to be key in understanding entrepreneurial actions and outcomes. The entrepreneurship field may however still significantly benefit from work at the cross borders of psychology and entrepreneurship, which may contribute to a deeper understanding of core entrepreneurship phenomena, such as opportunity recognition and development, business founding, development, failure and re-entry
Entrepreneurial Finance
Entrepreneurs have access to an increasingly wide range of new financing sources (e.g., crowdfunding, accelerators and incubators, universitybased seed funds) that may help young and innovative entrepreneurial firms to bridge the financing gap and grow. Yet, we lack evidence on how these new financing sources interact with traditional sources, their (dis)advantages, and their subsequent impact on firm performance. More broadly, there is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of financial decision-making by entrepreneurs that takes into account the complexity of the evolving entrepreneurial finance ecosystem, the heterogeneity in entrepreneurial characteristics, and firm characteristics.
Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship has gained increasing attention within the entrepreneurship research field. Social enterprises engage in commercial activities to solve social or ecological problems. As such, they face the challenge of pursuing financial sustainability and social goal achievement. There is a growing interest in how social enterprises deal with their hybrid nature. Future research may address what makes newly created as well as established social enterprises successful in fulfilling their financial and social goals and how they deal with the challenges they are confronted with.
Workshop Format
In order to facilitate networking and fruitful information exchange, the workshop will be limited to approximately 50 participants. The workshop will be organized in 2 parallel sessions, and will have space for 30 papers. Each paper will get a discussant assigned, and each session will be moderated by a senior researcher in the particular theme. Paper submitters should be willing to act as a discussant for other participants’ papers.
Submission Guidelines
Full papers or extended abstracts should be sent to no later than March 1, 2018. Please make sure you include the title of your work, the author(s), affiliation(s) and correct contact information of the corresponding author. The organizing committee will consider both conceptual and empirical papers that fit in one or more of the four workshop themes. We will give preference to theoretically substantiated papers that clearly describe the methods used to collect and analyze the data. Authors of accepted papers will be informed by March 15, 2018.
Workshop Registration
Authors and coauthors of accepted papers can participate in the workshop. Participants are required to register and confirm participation on the website ( between March 15 and April 1, 2018. Participation in this workshop is free of charge and includes two lunches (May 7 and 8) and one dinner (May 7). Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and incidental expenses.
Important Dates
- Deadline for submission paper/extended abstract by email: March 1, 2018
- Communication of paper/extended abstract acceptance: March 15, 2018
- Registration opening: March 15, 2018
- End of registration: April 1, 2018
- Deadline for submission final version of accepted paper: April 10, 2018
- Final program: April 15, 2018
- Distribution of papers to discussants: April 15, 2018
- Research Workshop May 7 – 8, 2018
For any further information, please consult or send an email to
We are looking forward to seeing you in Ghent!