« Entrepreneurship Education, rethinking connections: Opportunities and Challenges » Roanne, March the 7 and 8 2019

« Entrepreneurship Education, rethinking connections: Opportunities and Challenges »
March the 7 and 8 2019
& Call For Paper Entreprendre & Innover

Entrepreneurship Education rethinking connexions Roanne 2019

(Valerio, Parton and Robb, 2014. Yet, it still faces problems of disciplinary legitimacy (Katz, 2008) ,of teacher’s legitimacy (Foliard, Le Pontois and Fayolle, 2018) or of difficulties in finding its place within the University (Gibb, 2011).

– Even more problematic, the gap between schools or universities and practitioners, entrepreneurs, remains largely open with real difficulties to include EE in an entrepreneurial ecosystem that does not expect advances and development of new behaviors, nor of tools and knowledge. The stakes are high and the connections must be increased and improved to enrich the lessons taken from practice. Research must also be used as an improvement lever through stronger theoretical and methodological bases (Fayolle, Verzat and Wapshott, 2016) to develop critical analysis.

While each of these actors is confronted with its own problems, interconnections can be the basis of contemporary, authentic, and effective teaching programs. However, these interconnections are rare and the literature weakly addresses the links between the members of this triad. Research can play a role in bringing these actors together by showing good practices and by providing analysis and reflexivity. EE remains a hot topic for 2018, particularly for its practical scope and managerial implications (Kuckertz and Prochotta, 2018). The development of initiatives from the private sector and associations to support future entrepreneurs is symptomatic of the situation and it questions the functioning of our organizations. Recent initiatives, such as Ecole 42 and Matrice, support student autonomy by offering non-course and teacher-free programs based on peer learning and coaching.

Our environment is changing very quickly and many initiatives are being launched. Connections between policy makers, EE and practitioners need to be consolidated. The purpose of this call for papers is to prolong the debates around the following main themes:

Practices of entrepreneurship education (EE):

  • EE has been modeled by researchers (eg Béchard & Grégoire 2005, Neck & Greene 2011, Neck, Green and Brush 2014), but little is known about how these models are applied in each educative context. Which objectives (business creation, acquisition of knowledge, skills, entrepreneurial spirit in the broad sense …) are prioritized for which levels and which profiles of learners? What are the pedagogical principles pursued, the underlying educational philosophies and the proposed activities?
  • Can we talk about specific entrepreneurial educational methods to teach, including the construction of opportunities and the confrontation of uncertainty? To what extent does EE make the traditional school form evolve?
  • Do digital tools have a specific role to play in EE? What are the consequences (positive or negative) of their integration into EE activities?
  • Which actors defend and practice EE: which teachers? which external partners? Which directions of establishment? Does the EE make the postures of the teachers evolve, as well as their sense of effectiveness, and their professionalism perceived and recognized?

Assessment and impact measurement of EE:

  • What is the effectiveness and impact of an EE device? How to measure them: which indicators, which process of formative and certificated evaluation, to which temporality (ies)?
  • Does the EE give a specific status to the test, error and failure in the learning process and in the assessment?
  • Under what conditions (objectives pursued, teacher postures, public, insertion into the curriculum, institutional governance …) does the teaching of entrepreneurship make it possible to (re) motivate learners? to (re) engage them in the learning process?
  • Does the EE meet the expectations of public policies in terms of social and professional integration of young people, reduction of unemployment, contribution to economic and local development etc.?

Critical questions about EE:

  • Are the beliefs, values and paradigms underlying educational devices clear to all actors? Which stated or implicit goals make sense for the different actors involved?
  • To what extent can EE be considered as an ideological vehicle for a certain type of educational policy (Verzat, Trindade-Chadeau, and Toutain 2017)?
  • Does EE effectively increase everyone’s power of action or does it insidiously set up a process of social selection that gives the illusion that everyone can become autonomous?
  • How far to consider testing, error and failure in the learning process and in the evaluation system?

The role of researchers and of research in EE:

  • How can scientific studies help entrepreneurship educators? How can we strengthen the link between researchers and educators?
  • What methodological approaches can be used to study the reality of educational practices in entrepreneurship?

This call for papers is an opportunity to connect researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, policy makers and entrepreneurship educators, in order to establish a broad overview of innovative pedagogical practices and their impact. It allows a review of recent research for educators, as well as review (s) and interview (s) through an open forum directed to educators, students, entrepreneurs and researchers.

The scientific committee will examine the epistemological, theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches with interest to continue thinking about entrepreneurship education in today’s fast and complex world. Alongside academic papers, more professional-type communications (practices, testimonials, stories, etc.) as well as case studies are also eligible and will be examined with the utmost attention.


Alain FAYOLLE, emlyon business school, France
Bernard SURLEMONT, HEC-Ecole de Gestion de l’Université de Liège, Belgique
Caroline VERZAT, ESCP Europe, France
Dominique-Anne MICHEL, Secrétaire générale de la rédaction
Elisabeth GELAS, emlyon business school, secrétaire de rédaction
Franck BARÈS, HEC Montréal, Canada
Fabienne BORNARD, INSEEC Lyon, France
Nathalie CARRÉ, CCI France – CCI Entreprendre en France
Didier CHABAUD, IAE Paris Sorbonne
Jacques-Henri COSTE, université de la Sorbonne, France
Dominique FRUGIER, président d’Alicelab’, secrétaire général de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation
Chrystelle GAUJARD, Groupe Yncréa, Lille, France
Amélie JACQUEMIN, Louvain School of Management, UCL, Belgique
Wadid LAMINE, Toulouse Buisness School, France
Benoît RAUCENT, Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve, Belgique
Olivier TOUTAIN, ESC Dijon Bourgogne
Olivier WITMEUR, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Belgique


Dag Håkon Haneberg NTNU
Gunn-Berit Sæter NTNU
Imran QURESHI emlyon business school
Janice BYRNE IESEG School of Management
Joseph TIXIER emlyon business school
Julie FABBRI emlyon business school
Lise Aaboen NTNU
Martine HLADY RISPAL University of Limoges
Michela LOI University of Cagliari
Miruna RADU LEFEBVRE Audencia Business School
Mohsen TAVAKOLI, EM-Lyon Business
School & Université Grenoble Alpes (CERAG).
Muhammad Imran emlyon business school
Noreen O’SHEA ESCP Europe
Olivier TOUTAIN Burgundy School of Business
Øystein Widding NTNU
Sandrine LE PONTOIS IUT de Roanne
Saulo DUBARD BARBOSA, EM-Lyon Business School
Stéphane FOLIARD IUT de Roanne
Torgeir Aadland NTNU


Dr Andrea-Rosalinde HOFER Policy Analyst – Entrepreneurship Policy and Analysis – OECD

Peter BAUR – DG Education and Culture – European Commission


Extended abstracts will be between 1,000 and 3,000 words in French or English. They will specify the problem and the interest of the research, the theoretical framework(s), the methodology, the envisaged results, the potential contribution. They are to be sent exclusively in PDF and anonymous format to: stephane.foliard@univ-st-etienne.fr


Sending extended summaries October the 31 2018
Response of the Scientific Committee December the 15 2018
Sending complete communications February the 10 2019
Deadline for registration

Special issue publication
March the 1st 2019
Summer 2019

The best original texts responding to the main theme allowing a dialogue between practitioners and researchers (be careful to respect the instructions to the authors of this review that will be transmitted to the participants) and retained by the Scientific Committee will be proposed to the journal Entreprendre & Innover (classified category 4 FNEGE) for a special issue devoted to EE (Editors: Caroline VERZAT, ESCP Europe Business School Paris, Saulo DUBARD BARBOSA, EM-Lyon Business School, Stéphane FOLIARD, Jean Monnet University, St-Etienne , Mohsen TAVAKOLI, EM-Lyon Business School & University Grenoble Alpes (CERAG)). They will be peer reviewed according to the rules of double blind procedures.

In order to promote and spread the work as widely as possible, we are organizing a TEDx University on Friday, on March 8th 2019 in the afternoon. Speakers will present and disseminate their ideas. The principle of TEDx is to popularize to spread the worth ideas widely. The subject will have to be simplified and the presentations should last for 18 minutes maximum. The number of speakers will be between 6 and 10.

Registration fee: 160 Euros (including material, coffee breaks, meals), 80 Euros for PhD students.
City informations of Roanne:

stephane.foliard@univ-st-etienne.fr 0033 6 08 73 51 16
and sandrine.lepontois@univ-st-etienne.fr

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