Cognitive perspective in Entrepreneurship Research

IPAG Business School, EM Grenoble & Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci are delighted to host the Workshop Cognitive perspective in Entrepreneurship Research: Past, Present & Future, 24-25th September 2018, Paris , France.

The Cognitive perspective in Entrepreneurship Research will be the core subject of this two-day meeting. Many world-renowned researchers will take part in the event and will share their experience in this research field : Icek Ajzen, Kelly Shaver, Francesco Linan, Marco Van Gelderen, Alan Carsrud, Norris Krueger, Robert Blackburn, George Salomon, Didier Chabaud …etc

Link to the event :

If you are interested by the workshop and would like to submit your contributions, you can send them to Professor Adnane Maalaoui: ; or

Journals-Partners : International Small Business Journal (ISBJ), Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Long Range Planning (LRP), Revue de l’entrepreneuriat (RE)


1 – Submission of extended abstract (main workshop and doctoral students): June 15th, 2018
2 – Acceptance Notification: 1st July, 2018
3 – Workshop: September 24-25th, 2018
4 – Doctoral Workshop: September 25th, 2018