CfP – The 6th CR3+ Conference: Navigating the Plural Voices of CSR – Audencia Business School, Nantes, France 12-14 June 2018

Call for papers
Deadline: December 11, 2017

CR3+ 2018_Call for papers

Audencia Business School is pleased to host the 6th CR3+ conference in June 2018, co-organized by Audencia and its CR3+ partners, Hanken School of Economics (Helsinki, Finland), ISAE/FGV (Curitiba, Brazil) and La Trobe University Business School (Melbourne, Australia). The general theme for the 2018 conference is ‘Navigating the Plural Voices of CR’.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Corporate Responsibility (CR) (hereafter CR), is situated at the interface of business and society. Much work has been done on the impact of business on society and the ways in which businesses have sought to reduce their harmful impacts and/or contribute to society’s wellbeing. But business and society do not speak with homogeneous voices and nor do the researchers who explore them. A wide range of different actors are relevant in CR, each have different worldviews, values, beliefs and interests, different degrees of influence, and different ways of communicating. Stakeholder groups themselves do not always speak with one voice. This plurality of voices makes it difficult to navigate the path toward CR and has highly relevant implications for teaching and practice. Furthermore, a multitude of different lenses have been used to theorize CR. Consequently, the vast and complex patchwork of voices provides a challenging landscape as well as a rich opportunity for research.
The conference aims to draw out the different voices in CR research and practice. We look forward to exploring the general theme and particularly: (1) the voices of actors often unheard in CR, (2) how to manage multiple voices in business, (3) the usual and unusual theoretical voices in CR research, (4) the different voices in CR education.


We invite you to submit your papers to one of the following tracks:

  1. Giving voice to marginalized stakeholders in Business & Society research
    This track is an invitation for conceptual and empirical papers to challenge some of the foundations of the stakeholder salience and identification framework regarding marginalized, fringe stakeholders and to provide a future research agenda with the aim of better understanding their 1) identities, needs and demands, 2) roles and impacts, and 3) interactions with business.
    Convenors: Emma Avetisyan and Sandrine Stervinou
  2. Enriching CR research through inter-disciplinary and multiple theoretical voices
    A wide range of theoretical perspectives have been used to explore CR from a management perspective but also borrowing from other disciplines. This is an invitation to reflect on the different theoretical voices, their value and limitations and to explore new lenses through which to study CR.
    Convenors: Céline Louche, Guilherme Azevedo, and Andreas Georg Scherer
  3. Diversity as a Voice in CR
    Diversity is a reality in organizations and can be observed in many different dimensions: Gender, Age, Disability, Sexual Orientation, Ethnic Origin, Religion, etc. This track invites papers that explore the various aspects of diversity and its management under the perspective of CR in an organizational context.
    Convenors: Camilla Quental, Christine Naschberger, Nicole Maccali, and Marcia Cassitas Hino
  4. Innovating toward a sustainable future
    To address the grand societal challenges, innovation plays a crucial role. This track invites contributions that explore the various views and voices on innovation for a sustainable future and engage in a discussion about the need for innovation, its drivers and processes, and its implications for sustainable development.
    Convenors: Jennifer Goodman & Christian Voegtlin
  5. Exploring the SDGs: Plural Worldviews and Practices in Responsible Management Education
    This track wants to build knowledge around pedagogy for sustainability and responsible management education. Taking the Sustainable Development Goals as a guiding concept for responsible management education, it invites empirical and theoretical perspectives to explore how actors in management education integrate the SDGs into their programmes and pedagogical activities.
    Convenors: Martin Fougère, Nikodemus Solitander, Camilla Quental, Umesh Mukhi
  6. Entrepreneurship and society
    This track intends to create a dialogue between CR and Entrepreneurship research. The track is an invitation explore the link between entrepreneurs/ entrepreneurial practices and society and consider entrepreneurship as a social activity embedded in society.
    Convenors: Claire Champenois, Vincent Lefebvre, Miruna Radu-Lefebvre & Kathleen Randerson
  7. Implementing Corporate Sustainability Strategies at the Supply Chain Level
    This track invites contributions to develop and build new insights on governance mechanisms to be used in sustainable supply chain management and consider the plurality of different voices from the supply chain rather than focusing only on focal companies.
    Convenors: Marco Formentini and Paolo Taticchi
  8. CR community engagement
    This track is a call to deepen our understanding of the community engagement of business. It invites contributions investigating the practical challenges associated with planning and decision-making within the area of community engagement and stakeholder management.
    Convenor: William Keeton
  9. Exploring the relationship between artists and society
    With this track, we want to explore artists’ actions in and on society. We invite empirical, theoretical but also critical perspectives to question the relationship between artists and the notion of societal responsibility.
    Convenors: Dominique Billier, Carole Le Rendu
  10. Open track
    We wish to keep an open track for contributions that fit the conference theme but none of the specific tracks.

More information on the tracks:


We would like to invite you to submit paper proposals to one of the 10 tracks.
Submission guideline:

  • Please indicate the Track you are applying to in your email and the proposal.
  • Proposals should be between 500 and 1000 words.
  • Full length papers will not be formally reviewed, but they should be submitted prior to the conference.

How to submit?

The deadline for sending proposals is December 11, 2017. They should be sent to CR3plus @

For more information about the conference, click here.


  • Submission of proposals 11 December 2017
  • Notification acceptances Early February 2018
  • Submission of full papers April 2018
  • Conference 12-14 June, 2018