Call for papers – ERD – Locality and internationalization of family firms

Call for Paper in Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Journal (ABS 3; IF 1.629).

Locality and internationalization of family firms

Guest editors: Massimo Baù, Joern H. Block, Allan Discua Cruz and Lucia Naldi

 Family firms are often torn between their local roots and their desire and need for growth and internationalization (Graves and Thomas 2008). This special issue seeks to understand, among different topics, how (whether) local growth and internationalization impacts both the family and the firm and to understand how (whether) family firms balance their identity and local character while venturing in the global marketplace. The challenge posed by this call of papers is obviously to bring diverse perspectives and encourage multidisciplinary approaches to (1) advance our understanding of the distinctive opportunities and challenges prompted by the duality between being deeply rooted in local communities, cultures, and networks while exploring new opportunities for expansion and entrepreneurship in the global marketplace; and to (2) help family owners and managers, as well as policy makers and professionals engaged with family firms to effectively manage the nexus between locality and internationalization to build competitive advantages and sustain firm growth and performance across generations. We invite authors to investigate the paradox faced by family firms of being deeply rooted to their origins, tradition and local communities, while, at the same time, exploiting inter- national opportunities in the global marketplace to stay competitive, along three avenues:

  1. Family  firms’ local roots and how they impact the local economy
  2. Family  firms’ local roots and how they influence firm strategy
  3. Family  firms and their development from local to global firms                                                                                                                                          

 Dates and deadlines

The Special Issue is scheduled to be published in early 2020. The following timetable/deadline dates are given for your information:

  1. (Submission of the full papers – by 30 October 2018.
  2. First feedback from reviewers – by February 2019.
  3. Submission of the revised papers – by May 2019.
  4. Second feedback from reviewers – by July 2019.
  5. Submission of the revised papers – by September 2019.
  6. Notifcation of acceptance – by November 2019.
  7. Publication of the special issue – January 2020.

Please find the full call for papers here:

Locality and internationalization of family firms

Feel free to contact the guest editors any question regarding this special issues.