3rd Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference and PhD Consortium

Call for Papers3rd Annual Entrepreneurship-as-Practice Conference & PhD Consortium

April 16-20th 2018, Linnaeus University
Vaxjö, Sweden


Orla Byrne, University College Dublin

William B. Gartner, Babson College + Linnaeus University

Bruce Teague, Eastern Washington University

Malin Tillmar, Linnaeus University

Neil Thompson, VU University Amsterdam

Karen Verduijn, VU University Amsterdam

 Additional information:

Please request the full-length conference announcement, or direct any queries about the conference or PhD consortium to: William.gartner @ lnu.se

About the Conference

The third version of this conference is aimed at entrepreneurship scholars and PhD candidates who are using or interested in using practice theory-led approaches towards understanding entrepreneurial phenomena. PhD candidates and junior faculty looking to learn about practice theory and entrepreneurship as well as make connections and get feedback from top international scholars on their work will find the consortium highly valuable. Researchers that wish to further develop their empirical and conceptual articles using practice theories and methodologies are encouraged to apply.

PhD and Junior Faculty Consortium

The PhD consortium will be held on 16-17th April, followed by attendance to the Research Conference on 18-19th, and concluded by a half-day PhD seminar on 20th April. Location of the PhD consortium is the beautiful castle Teleborgs Slott in Vaxjö (http://www.teleborgsslott.com/). The consortium is organized by the conveners and Linnaeus University, who will be offering 5 ECTS for PhD students who will complete the course work and papers.

Research Conference

The conference will be held on 18-19th April 2018 (with a welcome reception the evening of April 17). The conference will offer keynote lectures, opportunities for networking, pitch presentations and round-table collaborative paper development sessions. The location of the conference will be the main campus of Linnaeus University.

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research Special Issue on “Entrepreneurship as Practice”

The conference will serve as an opportunity for scholars to receive developmental feedback on papers that could be submitted to a special issue on “Entrepreneurship as Practice” for the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. Details on the Call for Papers for this special issue will be posted by November 1, 2017 and we expect the deadline for submissions to be October 1, 2018.