Paper Accelerator Workshop on Gender and Entrepreneurship – 19-20 February, 2018 – IÉSEG School of Management


Key note speakers:

Dr. Sarah Thebaud and Dr. Sally Jones

Call for Papers

Individuals evoke cultural biases when they interpret and judge phenomena against standards and norms – or stereotypes – inherent to their own culture. Accumulating evidence suggests that cultural biases have a broad impact on gender disparities in entrepreneurial interest, activity and success. Stereotypes about women’s and men’s differing abilities can prompt women to evaluate business opportunities less favorably, lower their entrepreneurial intentions and self-efficacy, and disadvantage them in their quest for financial and social support from others  (Bigelow et al. 2014; Gupta et al, 2008; 2009; Gupta and Turban, 2012; Thébaud 2010; 2015).  Cultural beliefs regarding men’s and women’s roles in the family—beliefs which are variably shaped by the normative and cultural context (Chell and Baines, 1998; Nelson and Constantinidis, 2016)— can further facilitate or hinder entrepreneurial behavior (Welter et al, 2006; Cliff, 1998; Thébaud, 2015).

However, contemporary entrepreneurship research is often de-contextualized, with a relative lack of attention to the structural and cultural features that impact gender inequalities in entrepreneurial resources, strategies, and outcomes (Hughes et al, 2012; Lewis, 2014; Jennings and Brush, 2013, Ahl, 2006; Welter et al, 2016). Future research would benefit from more collaborative work across national borders which investigates how cultural biases pattern entrepreneurship differently in different contexts. We also believe that the full breadth and scope of what constitutes gender and entrepreneurship research requires extension. For example, studies investigating the impact of gender stereotypes on men entrepreneurs (Jennings and Brush, 2013) or the constraints of dominant models of masculinity for men in family business (Nelson and Constantinidis, 2016) would prove fruitful. At the same time, whiteness and masculinity continue to provide intangible resources to entrepreneurial legitimacy (Martinez Dy, et al., 2016) and there is a need for more research which addresses how intersecting identities (gender and race, social class, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability) form and shape the entrepreneurial experience.

In this workshop, we are especially interested in papers that theorize and/or empirically evaluate the ways that gender stereotypesand implicit cultural beliefs affect entrepreneurial outcomes—such as entrepreneurial interests, processes, resources, or activities.  We especially welcome scholarly work that identifies how the (negative) effects of cultural biases may be mitigated in certain social contexts

This is a paper development workshop. We seek to assemble a group of mid-career researchers, with an established knowledge and experience in gender and entrepreneurship research, who are looking to accelerate existing manuscripts.  Through expert reviews, discussion and feedback – from both peers and two key note speakers (Dr. Sarah Thébaud and Dr. Sally Jones) – we aim to help participants significantly improve and advance their papers.

In doing so, we hope to create, nurture and foster research collaboration between gender and entrepreneurship academics from different national contexts.

To guarantee a high quality of feedback, participation in this workshop will be limited to 15 papers. We welcome original research but will prioritize papers that have been previously presented at conferences or in preparation for journal submission. Workshop participants will be expected to read, reflect and discuss on other’s submissions.

Timeline and procedure : Important dates 

Further queries on this event may be directed to: j.byrne @

We look forward to welcoming you to Paris in Spring !

This event is also being supported by the Gender and Enterprise Network (GEN) – a Special Interest Group of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship – Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and Audencia.

Important dates

November 24th 2017: Authors invited to submit complete anonymized paper, title page (with authors’ information) and accompanying cover letter to Janice Byrne (j.byrne @ on or before this date.
The cover letter should provide information on the paper history (Just finished paper? Already submitted to a journal? Previously rejected paper?) as well as your specific questions or aspirations regarding the paper. We would also ask that you outline your areas of expertise (to facilitate matching authors and discussants in the workshop).

December 21st 2017: Authors informed of acceptance or decline.
Selection criteria include pertinence, originality, and potential contribution (either theoretical or empirical). Information provided on ‘next steps’ prior to workshop attendance.

February 19th and 20th: 1.5 day PAW workshop including two key note speakers (Dr. Sarah Thebaud and Dr. Sally Jones), networking and small group based paper feedback sessions.
The workshop will be hosted by IÉSEG School of Management, Paris campus (Paris-La Défense), France on the 19th and 20th February 2018.