Call for papers Special issue IJEBR – Artisan, cultural and tourism entrepreneurship


This special issue call for papers seeks to contribute to the growing interest about artisan entrepreneurship and the role of culture and tourism in its growth. There has been an increased emphasis on local and handmade goods that are linked to the culture and tourism of a region (Ratten and Ferreira, 2017). Artisan entrepreneurship involves the making of handcrafted goods or services that are sold to others. This form of entrepreneurship is increasing as people focus more on cultural forms of business ventures (Lounsbury and Glynn, 2001). Typically most artisan entrepreneurs are in the clothing and food industries as they prefer to make their own products that are linked to their cultural heritage (Tregear, 2005).
Many artisan entrepreneurs start their businesses because they have a hobby or interest tied to their culture that they want to use as a source of income. Typically most artisan entrepreneurs have a creative asset that can lead to sustainable income when marketed in the right way. Artisan entrepreneurs utilize their passion and creativity to sell products including organic locally grown food, craft beers and handmade clothes. There has been a trend towards more cultural-based businesses and as part of the tourism experience more people are focusing on artisan entrepreneurs. Possible topics for this special issue include:
•    How artisan entrepreneurs are using tourism as a way to develop their businesses
•    The role of culture in artisan entrepreneurship
•    Types of businesses and services involved in artisan entrepreneurship
•    Impact of tourism entrepreneurs in the growth of artisan businesses
•    The trend away from technology to handmade and hobby-based businesses
•    Job creation and tourism growth through artisan entrepreneurship
•    The role of urban and regional location in artisan entrepreneurship
•    Entrepreneurial personality and link to artisan businesses in tourism development
Due date: February 28 2018

Guest Editorial Team
Initial queries can be directed to any of the guest editors on the following email addresses:
Dr. Vanessa Ratten, La Trobe University Australia
Dr. Carlos Costa, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Dr. Marcel Bogers, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Lounsbury, M. and Glynn, M.A. (2001) ‘Cultural entrepreneurship stories, legitimacy and the acquisition of resources’, Strategic Management Journal, 22: 545-564.
Ratten, V. and Ferreira, J. (2017) ‘Future research direction for cultural entrepreneurship and regional innovation’, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 21(3): 163-169.
Tregear, A. (2005) ‘Lifestyle growth or community involvement? The balance of goals of artisan food producers’, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 17(1): 1-15.

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