International Conference on Digital Innovation & Financing
Lyon, France, June 11-12, 2018
Disruptive innovations generated by digital technologies allow firms to reinforce their competitive advantages by differentiating themselves from their competitors; more specifically, they create organizational capital. Digital business transformation is a journey to adopt and deploy digital technologies and business models in order to improve performance quantifiably. Thus, digital transformations change business models, value creation and can positively influence a company’s reputation (Anderson, 2014).
Digitalization enables the emergence of new entrepreneurs who, unlike their predecessors, can use digital technologies and online communities and are able to manage the key processes needed to create/launch a new venture moving from idea generation and opportunity recognition, to intellectual property protection, production, marketing and distribution (Bryniolfsson and MCAfee, 2014). Technologies such as social media, open source software and hardware, crowdsourcing, e-trust and online reputation assessment, 3D printing, digital imaging and big data are empowering would-be entrepreneurs, while radically altering the competitive landscape, and contributing to reduce significantly the barriers between invention and the creation of a new company (Kelly, 2016).
Despite these new trends, innovations and new venture creation are still largely analyzed by using theories and concepts which were developed before the digital revolution. Thus, there is a prospective struggle to provide a full account and understanding of these new trends (Elia et al., 2016). On the other hand, supporters and optimist thinkers who announce the emergence of an industrial revolution and a new era of creativity and prosperity often fail to provide a neutral point of view and data to prove that such a big shift is really taking place.
We invite contributions that will help to better assess, analyze, and theorize how digital innovations emerge and create value, how these innovations affect the structuring of markets and business models, how to implement and finance them.
We welcome the submission of research papers on the following (non-exhaustive) list of
- Digital transformation, Strategy and Competitiveness of firms
- Digital Marketing
- Management of digital innovation and Organizational impacts
- Protection and development of digital innovations
- Digital Technologies
- Digital innovation and Business model
- Digital innovation and Entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship
- Digital innovation and Knowledge management
- Dynamics and growth strategy of digital firms
- Financing of digital innovations and New ways of financing: crowdfunding, P2P lending, FinTech…
- Digital finance, money, banking, and insurance: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, future of payments, virtual bank, mobile bank, AssurTech, etc.
Details of Paper Submission and Due Date
Interested contributors should submit preferably full papers in PDF files (in English or French), but extended abstracts (1,000 to 1,500 words) may also be considered if they show considerable promise, no later than March 15, 2018 through the conference website:
Early submission is highly encouraged and decision is made as soon as the peer-review is completed. No submission fee is required.
Anderson, C. (2014). Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, Crown Business. Bryniolfsson, E. MCAfee, A. (2014). The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies, W. W. Norton & Company.
Elia, G., Margherita, A., Petti, C. (2016). An Operational Model to Develop TechnologyEntrepreneurship “EGO-System, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, online only.
Kelly, K. (2016). The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our
Future, Viking.
Scientific Committee
Chairmen: Eric Braune (INSEEC, FR), Jean-Michel Sahut (IDRAC, FR), and Denis Schweizer (JMBS, CA), Zheng Li (CECEI, Jilin University, CN)
Kent H. Baker, KSB, American University, Washington, US
Rachel Bocquet, IAE, IREGE, University of Savoie Mont-Blanc, FR
Jean-Pierre Boissin, IAE, University of Grenoble, FR
Tomas Blomquist, Umea University, SE
Anne-Laure Boncori, INSEEC, FR
Sabri Boubaker, Champagne School of Management, FR, & Hanoi School of Business, VN
Eric Boyd, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, US
Didier Chabaud, University of Paris I, FR
Ephraim Clark, Middlesex University, UK
Patrick Cohendet, HEC Montréal, CA
Pascal Corbel, RITM, University of Paris-Sud, FR
Tugrul Daim, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, US
Léo-Paul Dana, Montpellier Business School, FR & Marie Curie Fellow, Princeton University, US
Jean-Philippe Denis, RITM, University of Paris-Sud, FR
Emmanuel Fragnière, HES-SO Valais, CH
Eric Le Fur, INSEEC, FR
Kun-Huang Huarng, College of Business, Feng Chia University, TW
Luca Iandoli, University of Naples Federico II, IT& Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, US
Frank Janssen, Louvain School of Management, BE
Kamel Jedidi, Columbia Business School, NY, US
Yuya Kajikawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JP
Magnus Klofsten, Linköping University, SE
Wadid Lamine, Toulouse Business School, FR
Gilles Laurent, INSEEC, FR
Eric Leroux, University Paris13-Sorbonne Paris City, FR
Hui Li, Nankai University, Tianjin, CN
Moez Limayem, Muma College of Business, University of South Florida, US
Dirk Meissner, HSE University, RU
Medhi Mili, University of Bahrain, BH
Savvas Papagiannidis, Newcastle University Business School, UK
Marta Peris-Ortis, Politécnica de Valencia, SP
Yvon Pesqueux, CNAM, FR
Pierre Charles Pupion, University of Poitiers, FR
Jean Rédis, ESIEE Paris, FR
Domingo Ribeiro, University of Valencia, SP
Mian Sarfraz, OSWEGO, NY, US
Syed Hasanat Shah, School of Economics, Jilin University, CN
Yang Song, School of Economics, Jilin University, CN
Lorne Switzer, JMBS, Concordia University, CA
Jean-Paul Tchankam, Kedge Business School, FR
Shiro Uesugi, Matsuyama University, JP
Dianne H.B. Welsh, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US
Organizing committee
Eric Braune (INSEEC), Pascal Montagnon (INSEEC), Scientific Association CREADIF
Keynote Speaker
Léo Paul Dana, Distinguished Professor, Montpellier Business School, France & Marie Curie Fellow at Princeton University, US Léo-Paul Dana, a graduate of McGill University and of HEC Montreal, is Professor at Montpellier Business School and Marie Curie Fellow at Princeton University. As well he holds the title of Adjunct Professor at the University of Regina, in Canada. He formerly served at the University of Canterbury and prior to that as Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship at INSEAD and Deputy Director of the International Business MBA Programme at Nanyang Business School, in Singapore. He has published extensively in a variety of leading journals including the British Food Journal, Cornell Quarterly, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Small Business Management, the Journal of World Business, and Small Business Economics.
Publication opportunities
We have established agreements with several academic journals. Authors wishing to submit their articles to these journals can do under the volumes, records or special issues related to the DIF conference:
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, John Wiley & Sons
- International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Inderscience Publishers
- International Management (special section)
- Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, De Boeck
- a scientific book will be also published
INSEEC Business School, FR,
INSEEC is the French leading private group in higher education with over 22,000 students, 80,000 alumni and a budget of 220 million euros. With a research center and a strong network of universities and business partners, in France and abroad, it educates the economic players of tomorrow. Based in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Chambéry-Savoie, Geneva, Monaco, London, San Francisco and Shanghai, INSEEC consists of three Management “Grandes écoles”; an engineering school; a political sciences school; an international university; undergraduate and graduate programs in management with specializations in the digital innovation, luxury, wine & spirits, real estate and sport sectors; specialized schools in communication and high Preparatory schools for administration. The INSEEC Research Center has become one of the most dynamic, fast growing research centers in Finance.
John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, CA,
The John Molson School of Business (JMSB) is a business school located in Montreal, Canada, and was established in 1974 by Concordia University. It is a world-class business school, committed to academic excellence in teaching and research. It is consistently ranked within the top 10 Canadian business schools, and within the top 100 worldwide. The JMBS offers 48 different programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels from six different departments. During the 2014-15 academic year, there were 7,768 undergraduate students and 1,454 graduate students enrolled, and the JMSB has 51,000 alumni. The JMSB is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
China-Israel Center for Entrepreneurship and innovation, University of Jilin, CN,
China-Israel Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CICEI), founded at Jilin University, was inaugurated by Israeli Ambassador to China Mr. Matan Vilnai, and by the President of Jilin University. Ben-Gurion University and Jilin University signed an agreement to joint on construct this center under the witness of Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong on March 29, 2016. The goal of CICEI is to become an international research platform for entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as an international practical platform for economical and technological collaborations. Jilin University, located in Changchun City, Jilin Province, was founded in 1946. It is a key comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and one of the most prestigious “Top 10” universities in China.