Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

Proposal for a Special Issue to the journal


Topic: Entrepreneurial Process and Social Networks: A Dynamic Perspective

Guest Editors:

Didier Chabaud, University of Avignon – France (didier.chabaud @ univ-avignon.fr)

Alain Fayolle, EMLyon Business School – France (fayolle @ em-lyon.com)

Sarah Jack, IEED, LUMS, Lancaster University – UK (s.l.jack @ lancaster.ac.uk)

Wadid Lamine, Champagne School of Management – France (wadid.lamine @ get-mail.fr)

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

– Conceptualization / theorization of networking dynamics

– Evolution of the entrepreneurial network configuration over time

– Change of the entrepreneurial network content and structure during the various entrepreneurial process stages

– Entrepreneurial network evolution and learning dynamic of the entrepreneur

– The impact of entrepreneur’s social skills on the networking process

– The role of social capital on the entrepreneurial networking processes

– The impact of entrepreneurial project nature on the entrepreneurial network structure

– The role of Science and Technology Parks on the entrepreneurial networking process

– The role of technical artifacts in the entrepreneurial networking process.

– Skills and competences of enroll and mobilize new actors and shareholders

– The different types of strategies and stages of the entrepreneurial network development

-The impact of government policies/programmes on the entrepreneurial network development


The editors intend to bring with this Special Issue a significant value to entrepreneurship researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. Scholars interested in submitting a research work to the Special Issue should, in the first instance, submit a 2-3 pages abstract to Wadid Lamine (wadid.lamine @ get-mail.fr).

Full papers should be submitted by Email Word attachment to the Special Issue Editors. First page must contain the title, author(s) and contact information for the corresponding author. For additional guidelines, please see ‘Instructions for Authors’ from a recent issue of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development or visit:http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/tepnauth.asp.

Papers suitable for publication in the Special Issue will be double-blind reviewed following the ERD’s review process guidelines.


The Special Issue is scheduled to be published in 2014 or 2015. The following timetable/deadline dates are given for your information:

1. Submission of the abstract – by 1st October 2012. Feedback will be send to the authors by 15 November 2012 at the latest.

2. Submission of the full papers – by 30 April 2013.

2. First Feedback from reviewers – by 31 July 2013.

3. Expected delivery date to E&RD – by 31 March 2014.
